Clip and Climb, Year 4

Clip and Climb Year 4

Covid shut down Clip and Climb for large parts of the year, but when it was open HB attended the weekly Rockstars Climbing Club.

completing orbital completing orbital completing orbital completing orbital completing orbital

Just before the centre shut for the second lockdown, HB was really excited to have reached the top of Orbital (a tricky wall with holds that rotate).

gold award gold award gold award gold award

In the autumn HB gained the Gold Award for completing challenges such as climbing Cloud 9 using only one colour hold, and climbing to the top of Jungle Vines, Undercling, and Checkplate.

gaining the gold award   gaining the platinum award

In the summer term HB gained the Platinum Award. Challenges for this included climbing The Big Cheese using only the red circles, climbing the speed wall in under 30 seconds, reaching the top of orbital, and climbing Hex using only two colours.

gaining the platinum award   gaining the platinum award   gaining the platinum award   gaining the platinum award

By the end of the year HB had completed half of the very tricky Diamond Award. Some challenges (such as climbing the infamous Triffid wall or climbing Hex using only one colour) remain out of reach for now.

attempting to climb Hex using only one colour   attempting to climb Hex using only one colour   attempting to climb Hex using only one colour   detonator defeat