Multisports, Year 2

Year 2

HB attended a weekly multisports class run by two experienced coaches. The children learnt physical skills and played team sports. The team element of these sessions was a little tricky to show as many parents do not want photographs of their children shared publically. It's hard to capture the essence of a team sport when you are trying to avoid other kids appearing in shot. You'll just have to imagine the rest of the class!

race week

The sessions included a warm up game and opportunities to practice general skills like throwing, catching, doging, and running.

warm up games   warm up games   warm up games   warm up games  

The children practised using cricket bats and tennis rackets.

tennis racket   cricket skills   cricket skills

They played football, netball, handball, and dodgeball.

football   cricket skills   cricket skills

They practised hockey skills and took part in races.

hockey   races