Handling Pots at the Museum of Classical Archaeology

October 2017, Year 1, age 5

statues  statues  statues

HB began by looking at plaster cast models taken from Ancient Greek sculptures (or, in one case an Ancient Roman copy of an Ancient Greek statue!).

handling 2500 year old pots  handling 2500 year old pots  handling 2500 year old pots

HB was then able to hold some two and a half thousand year old pots and discuss their shape and use with experts. Some were whole pots and some were pieces. HB had to wear gloves to protect the pots from the oils found on human hands.

handling 2500 year old pots handling 2500 year old pots handling 2500 year old pots

The pieces came from a lekythos, amphora, and volute krater. HB looked at the pieces and pictures of each type of pot and guessed which they had come from.

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