Little Learners Explore Ancient Greek Life

November 2017, Year 1, age 5

minoan inspired art minoan inspired art

HB began by visiting the Minoans of Bronze Age Crete. We admired the frescoes of Knossos. We didn't think the scouts would appreciate us painting on the walls of the hall, so the children made their own mini 'frescoes' on tiles instead! HB found inspiration in the patterns of the frescoes, whilst other children were inspired by the creatures depicted.

Artwork from the Minoan period suggests some people somersaulted over bulls. Most of the children had a go at jumping over our cardboard box bulls (some of them in very athletic ways!).

jumping bulls  jumping bulls  jumping bulls  jumping bulls
voting in court

Next HB travelled forward to 5th century (BC) Athens. After learning who could and could not vote in classical Athens, HB heard the case of Euphiletus, accused of murdering Eratosthenes. They listened to the arguments for and against and then decided whether they thought he was guilty or not guilty. They added a token with a hole to the pot if they thought him guilty, and one without the hole if they thought him innocent. HB decided he was guilty.

Then there was time to visit the agora, using coins with owls on them to pay for goods, and then taking on the role of a seller.

market place     market place

Having stocked up on supplies it was time to try some ancient Greek food, and to make honey pancakes. HB discovered that we do not have any Ancient Greek cookbooks, but we know some of the food they ate from pictures on pottery and descriptions of banquets and food in Ancient Greek literature.

sampling food  making honey pancakes

Then it was time to visit the theatre, an art form invented in classical Athens. Of course, all the actors wore masks.

performing a masked play performing a masked play performing a masked play performing a masked play

Some people chose to do activities based on Ancient Greek columns and pots, but HB ran out of time for those. Next HB visited Hippocrates' medical school. HB learnt that illness was due to an imbalance of the four humours, and that cutting someone to let out some blood or giving them herbs to make them sick were ways to cure people. HB noticed that these ideas were still believed at the beginning of the Victorian period. We also discussed how some Greek ideas about medical ethics still inform today's practice of medicine. HB played at being an ancient Greek doctor.

medical school  medical school
wax tablet

Next HB went to Ancient Greek school. Our attempt to make a wax tablet to write on wasn't as successful as I'd have liked, but HB had a go at writing some greek letters on it anyway.

Spartan soldier

Then we headed off to Sparta to learn a little about their fighting culture. HB dressed as a Spartan soldier.

Finally it was time to stop all fighting and journey to Olympia. Our Olympic games included discus plate throwing, foam javelin throwing, races, and jumping whilst holding weights.

olympics olympics   olympics
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