Sedgwick Museum Trails

August 2016, Preschool Year, age 4

looking at fossils looking at fossils looking at fossils looking at fossils

HB had a great time looking at fossil remains in the Sedgwick Museum.

looking at fossils looking at fossils

We borrowed an activity box about dinosaur teeth.

exploring dinosaur teeth exploring dinosaur teeth exploring dinosaur teeth

Then we borrowed another activity box about dinosaur stride length.

exploring dinosaur stride length exploring dinosaur stride length

Next HB explored an activity box looking at whether dinosaurs had fur, feathers, or scales.

exploring dinosaur outsides   exploring dinosaur outsides   exploring dinosaur outsides

Then there was time to explore more of the museum.

exploring the museum exploring the museum exploring the museum

This included a digital exhibition about Darwin.

exploring the museum exploring the museum exploring the museum

HB enjoyed completing this ammonite puzzle.

puzzle ammonite puzzle ammonite puzzle ammonite

Before leaving HB looked at the museum's collection of minerals and bought some mystery fossils.

exploring crystals exploring crystals exploring crystals
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