This session involved artefact handling. The children were asked to guess what the objects were and what time period they came from. HB correctly identified the copper and tin on the tray, which of course meant the ax head must be bronze.
Next HB's group examined some pieces of pottery. HB could tell they were part of a clay pot or something similar because there was a finger print in the clay, and the clay had been mixed with other things. HB therefore guessed that this was from the neolithic age.
The next tray was a little trickier. It included a stone arrow head and stone scrapper. HB guessed it was from the stone age, but wasn't sure which period. Since the next tray looked more paleolithic and HB thought the pottery was neolithic, HB guessed this one must be mesolithic. The presentation at the end of the session confirmed this hypothesis.
HB's group then received a tray with a stone hand ax and a piece of antler. They were also shown a mammoth tooth.
The final tray had an iron blade and a second object HB thought was iron, but couldn't figure out what it was! The presentation at the end revealed it was used as a currency bar.
At the end the time periods and objects were revealed and we watched a video about flint knapping.