Gripping History Stone Age to Iron Age Day

May 2017, Reception Year, age 5

Introductory Talk

The session began with a talk showing how the land masses changed during this time, as the ice covered the land and sea levels rose and fell. HB learnt that Doggerland used to connect Britain to mainland Europe.

Ice age covering the land   Doggerland

The children then looked at how people's clothing changed during prehistory.

clothing changes   clothing changes   clothing changes

Fauna and Hunting Techniques Session

In small groups they tried to sort animals into paleolithic, mesolithic or both, by considering the climate for each time period. HB then went outside to try "hunting" with a throwing axe, spear, and bow and arrows.

sorting animals into paleolithic and mesolithic   throwing stick spear   bow and arrows   dressed up

Tool Handling Session

The children were shown some prehistoric tools and told a little about each one. HB got to hold some of them.

tools   tools   tools   tools

Round the Room Activities

In the afternoon the children could choose various table top activities. HB began by looking at pictures of Skara Brae and then building mini stone furniture and buildings.

skara brae building  skara brae building  skara brae building

Next was grain grinding, and having a little sleep in a "cave".

grinding grain grinding grain grinding grain cave sleeping

After a brief rest it was time for HB to make some cave art. The children pinned their art to the walls of the "cave".

cave art   cave art   cave art

Finally HB drew pictures of model houses from prehistory and noted down facts about each. HB was particularly interested in the Crannog and hopes to visit a full size replica one day.

crannog   roundhouse

Burial Practices Session

At the end of the day the group leader talked about prehistoric burial practices and acted out a pretend burial ritual, complete with music and offerings.

burial ritual   burial ritual  
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