Bosta Iron Age House

July 2019, Year 2, age 7

Bosta iron age house

In 1993 severe gales uncovered the remains of an iron age village at Bosta on Great Bernera. The village dated from the 7th or 8th century. We visited a reconstruction of one of the houses.

Bosta iron age house   Bosta iron age house

It was made of stone. It was not round but an elongated shape. Inside the dwelling consisted of two rooms. It has similarities with the much earlier houses at Skara Brae. Originally the roof was thatched, but experimental archaeology suggested a turf roof might be a more realistic choice.

Bosta iron age house   Bosta iron age house

Inside the building we listened to a talk about the house and the archaeology on which it was built. The second room was much colder than the first, and had cupboard space in the walls. It may have been used for storing food.

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