
September 2017, Year 1, age 5

The 'henge' of Stonehenge refers to the circular ditch first constructed in about 3000 BC (although some archaeologists claim it isn't technically a henge at all). Inside these earthworks is probably the most famous neolithic stone circle in the world. The first stones were erected in about 2500 BC.


We began by looking in the visitor's centre. HB learnt about the different stones used to create the momument, and looked at some of the neolithic finds discovered by archaeologists.

different stones neolithic artefacts neolithic artefacts

HB learnt how stonehenge has changed over time, and was able to compare with what was happening in other parts of the world. Finding the Megalithic temples of Malta led to particular excitement as we had already visited them.

Snapshot in time Snapshot in time Snapshot in time Video presentation Timeline Malta Monument

We enjoyed looking in the replica neolithic huts.

neolithic huts neolithic huts neolithic huts neolithic huts

Then it was time to journey up to the stones.

stonehenge   stonehenge

We took a moment to sketch them. HB later coloured the sketch in.

sketching stonehenge  sketching stonehenge  colouring in sketch sketching stonehenge

HB made a video showing us round stonehenge whilst pretending to be a stoneage person. There are a few inaccuracies in it, but it was completely unscripted, based on things HB had learnt when visiting other sites.

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